
Monday, July 14, 2014

Peiri Ann

Guest Post and Contest by Peiri Ann

Character Profile: Nathan From Burdened
By: Peiri Ann

Thank youfor having me. I am very excited to share with the readers “Burdened” book 1 in a Burdened Novel. I’d love to take this opportunity to give the readers a chance to get to know one of the characters of Burdened, Nathan, a burdened Sephlem.

Name: Nathan Newcomb

Age: As a human – 20. Sephlem – 93.

Weight: 209 lbs

Hair Color: Black and brown

Eye Color: Depends on his mood.

Build: Tall and Muscular

Occupation: Part owner of a manufacturing company / Burdened Sephlem

Past Time: Mountain climbing, Hiking, Partying, Girls, and Ruthless actions.

Family Member: All that you can think of. Mother, Father, brothers, sister, etc.

Personality: Unpredictable (Depends on if he is in control)

Biggest Fear: Tracey dying

Relationship Status: Now, as of today, mated.

Regrets: Before his mate when out and almost got herself killed, and she gained black eyes and match hands. He had none. (In Nathan’s words) I regret bonding with her. But, don’t tell her that though. She might get pissed.

I am going to hand it over to Nathan so he can give us his overview on things Burdened. 

Nathan’s overview for the meaning of being “Burdened”:

Let’s first get it out there that I’m not human. I’m Sephlem, though I look the part. Being burdened for us―Sephlems―means we are tainted by demons blood. And with the dangers that are held within us, we hold a risk to our mates and pretty much everyone else that walks the earth. 

Overview of the meaning “Mate”:

You know, that one person who was designed for you to be with forever…if you all last that long. When we Sephlems mate, the male takes the heart of the female, regardless if they are human, creature, or beast. So it is priority to protect them. Unless you lose control and you kill her, ending your own life. Because, what happens when your life source (her heart) no longer beats?...

Overview of your life in “Burdened’:

An unpredictable story, designed to comfort you into thinking the life with a burdened Sephlem is all smiles, hugs, kisses, and good sex. When in reality, it is actually all that with the worse type of betrayal (in my eyes), the funniest (Sarcasm) / pointless type of lies (that will probably end with someone trying to kill themselves), the most detrimental tease of a tainted destiny (the worse day of my life), and because within all evil lies good and love. Remembering that alone, helps me and my mate get through it… I hope.

A Burdened Novel
Book 1
Peiri Ann

Genre: Paranormal Romance

ISBN: 9780991381104

Number of pages: ebook (381)
Number of pages: paperback (423)

Book Description:

Tracey Warren has everything an eighteen year old girl should. She lives a life of expectancies; go to school, please her parents, party with friends, and revel in life as a young adult.

That is until she experiences an unexpected life changing accident caused by Nathan Newcomb; an illegally attractive yet perplexed guy who has her fumbling over her words and cracking her head on the concrete. In being enthralled by his overwhelming existence, Tracey neglects his promise of death (which never falls short of Nathan) and in ignoring his guarantee, she chooses to give into love over sanity and risks her life for the opportunity of being with him.

Nathan, knowing the risks gives into this want to have Tracey presuming it may be better to jeopardize their possible ending, than to allow her to endure the pain of his devoid. Nonetheless, with him being a burdened Sephlem, not only are they burdened by their adversaries who will risk everything but the exposure of their existence to see Nathan fall. But Nathan and Tracey come to find that their most sinister enemies lie under their same roof and regrettably share the same bloodline.

Book Trailers: and

Available at Amazon and BN

About the Author:

A love for reading transpired into an admiration for writing at a young age for Peiri Ann. Starting off in writing poetry and short stories she indulged in the possibilities of creating new worlds and lives to live within them opening a window of unanticipated possibilities. In high school a pin and notebook never left her grasps and in college the pin was replaced by a keyboard and the notebook replaced by a computer screen. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and certified in business management.

When Peiri Ann is not writing, reading, doing homework, or working in the downtown of Chicago she enjoys spending time with her little girl, watching action flicks, and spooning peanut butter from the jar as a midnight snack.

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1 comment:

  1. Hi Cloey,
    Thanks for feature Nathan and I on your blog!
