
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

P.I. Barrington

Guest Post by P. I. Barrington

Guest Post

Thanks so much Cloey for hosting me today!

Whenever I say one of my books, such as my newest The Brede Chronicles, is a “romance” I have to confess I always feel like I’m cheating a little. There isn’t endless lovemaking or a million steamy scenes. It’s really more like a relationship story. There’s romance sure but there’s a lot more relationship than romance in this book. There’s love of course but this is a story that grows and not just on readers either. The relationship grows, the conflict grows, the people grow physically and emotionally, the story grows. You might even call it a saga.

It gets deeper in places, more difficult in others with bursts and moments of happiness just like real relationships and loves do. There are the ups and downs and rocky places that threaten to kill the relationship or at least twist it out of shape. A lot of that happens in this book too. Yet like in real life, there remains that persistent, long suffering, hopeful spark that promises fulfillment. Whether that fulfillment is ever realized is like a childhood taunt: “that’s for you to find out.”

And so I feel like I’m cheating. I’m not giving you breathless climaxes or chiseled chests—well okay, Alekzander Brede is like Vin Diesel with box braids even if he isn’t all human. He’s still yummy—hmm maybe there is a scene or two that closes in on steamy—that’s also for you to find out!

I am giving you something though: a deep, realistic relationship that moves, and morphs and lives and maybe, just maybe, reminds you of your own relationship saga whether it turned out good or bad or bad-ass.


Elektra landed on her knees on the ancient stone cobbled sidewalks and used the wall of Narita's edifice to help herself stand. The pain, now near unbearable, shrieked when she touched the blackened and bruised flesh to anything including cloth and she struggled against the throbbing crowds to make her way toward the only place she thought to go for help.

"Please Mahmud I don't want to lose my arm. You have to help me," she stood before the self-appointed doctor of the proscribed citizens. He inspected it and then shook his head.

"I can do nothing for you," he said. "It is already too far gone by now. Even should you sit in the sun for five days it would be no help."

"I'll get you money. Whatever you want, I'll get it. Please, save my hand, please?"

He shook his head again sorrowfully.

"I can do nothing. This does not need my type of medicine. You must ask the mechanical doctors, those with science and not nature. I am sorry I cannot help you Elektra."

Crying she stood against the wall of the crooked street, thinking what she might pay to those who if they could build space machines, could build anything. She slid down the wall and sat on her haunches against it sobbing.

A shadow fell across her, changing the scorching temperature a degree. She opened her eyes and a man knelt before her. He took her arm and gently inspected it.

"I can give you a new arm and hand," he said. "But you must pay what I ask." He stared directly into her eyes. "You will have a new arm—a new hand—better than before. But you must pay the price."

"What is it you want?" Elektra asked, still gasping in pain.

"Alekzander Brede."

The Brede Chronicles 
Book 1
P. I. Barrington

Genre: Science Fiction Romance/Adventure

Publisher: First Realm Publishing
Date of Publication: June 18, 2014

ISBN-13: 978-1497340831

Number of pages: 144
Word Count: 83,000

Cover Artist: Jared from Off the Wall Creations

Book Description:

Half-human Alekzander Brede is a law unto himself…or so he thinks. Elektra Tate, the street orphan who loves him has other ideas. When she betrays him for no apparent reason, he vows to punish her one way or another.

Taking the one thing she treasures most—their son—begins a cat and mouse relationship spanning two planets and costing possibly his life.

Elektra will stop at nothing to save her son but can she overcome Brede’s twisted idea of vengeance? 

About the Author

After an extended detour through the entertainment industry, P.I. Barrington has returned to writing fiction. Among her experience are radio air talent and the music industry. She lives in Los Angeles.

Her work includes:

Future Imperfect Trilogy (Crucifying Angel, Miraculous Deception, Final Deceit)

Inamorata Crossing/Borealis 1: A Space Opera

Isadora DayStar

The Button Hollow Chronicles: The Leaf Peeper Murders

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