
Monday, June 16, 2014

Kary Rader

Giveaway and Guest Post by Kary Rader

I Won’t Let Go

By Kary Rader

In my current release from Boroughs Publishing Group, The Pirate Princess, my heroine Charlee believes she’s beyond saving, and even though she’s not happy with her life or herself, she doesn’t believe she can change her circumstances and get out of the trap she’s fallen into.

Petra is Greek for “Rock”, and he was named for his formidability. Petra is a man of honor and character, and he sets his sights on saving the beautiful pirate captain so he can make her his own.

It takes a lot for Charlee to trust Petra, but he is unwavering in his quest to win her and in the end, it’s not his strength that changes her heart, but his tenderness. And when she is at her most vulnerable, Petra invites Charlee to cling to him, to trust him and he promises, “I won’t let go.”

Have you ever felt like Charlee, beyond help or healing? Beyond saving? I know I have at times, but all it takes is that one special person to say, “No matter what, I won’t let go. I’m with you. I’ll fight for you.” I pray you find that person in your time of need, but, even more, I pray that your heart is so fortified and strong that you can become that person for someone else.

I hope you allow Petra and Charlee to capture your heart. The Pirate Princess is available now.

Here is the song that inspired Petra’s message of love and hope.

The Pirate Princess
Reign of Light 
Book One
Kary Rader 

Genre: Fantasy – Supernatural – Paranormal - Romance

Publisher: Boroughs Publishing Group
Date of Publication: May 27th 2014

ISBN: 9781941260180
Word Count: 64,400

Book Description: 

For a pirate, nothing is forbidden...except love. To gain her freedom, Charlee must seduce the prince. To save the pirate, Prince Petra must win her heart.


A handsome war hero, Prince Petra can have his pick of any lady in the kingdom. A man of virtue, he's saved himself for just the right one. But when the corrupt emperor of Isa Vis kidnaps a duke's daughter to force her into an alliance, Petra sacrifices himself—and his dreams of love—to save her. Betrothing himself to the distant captive, he leads a daring rescue across the stormy South Sea.

But The Light has other plans. On the voyage, Petra runs afoul of Charlee. Once a prisoner, now a pirate captain, the sultry siren holds him captive with more than just her sword. And when she offers a seductive wager—if he takes her body before they reach the City of Light, she wins absolution for her crimes—it is all he can do to hold firm. While he has every reason to bring Charlee to justice, he’s also finally found a woman he wants more than honor. And he can no more trust her than he can trust himself.

Available at Amazon ARe BN

About the Author:

Kary Rader is a part-time Twitter sage, stay-at-home mother of three, and slave to the characters and worlds inside her head. Always creative, she's drawn to stories with fantastical worlds and creatures. 

With a little bit of magic and divine guidance, there isn't anything that can't be accomplished with words. It's the power of words that creates and destroys. 

Vanquishing evil and injustice while finding eternal love in the process is all in a day's work. With the help of her critique partners and master cartographer imaginary places come to life.


  1. Thanks for hosting me today!

  2. Thanks for hanging out with us today. Your book looks interesting and I like the Rascal Flatts song 👍
