
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Willie Stewart Sr.

Review of Tarnished by Willie Stewart Sr.

It's a good story that will make you think twice 

about hospitals!

Willie Stewart Sr

2MCH4YA Publishing
Paperback page count is 236

Genre: Fiction Medical Thriller, Adult

Book Description:

Killing patients in the ICU became a thrill for Dale, RN until his equally prolific murdering mother, Isabel, started feeling threatened by his new girlfriend while working in the same hospital. Will mothers love trump the new love in his life?

Dale, a young male Registered Nurse accidentally kills a patient in the Intensive Care Unit. When he suffers no consequence he soon finds that he is falling in love with killing patients. As his confidence develops he begins to develop a relationship with the new Respiratory Therapist on the unit. His mother, Isabel feels threatened with losing her boy and Dale finds he must now contend with the equally prolific killing abilities of his over protective mother who works right alongside him.

taRNished is a medical thriller that takes you on a journey of innocence, murder, sex, and domination which invokes the question in the readers mind while being entertained, “how do I get out of the hospital alive?”

Author Willie Stewart is a critical care Registered Nurse with 13 plus years of nursing experience who believes that an overburdened, understaffed nursing work force will lend itself to more and more abuses with the advent of Obamacare which is adding tens of millions more patients into the healthcare system. The subject matter of the medical thriller taRNished is timely and will be for the next few years for the following reasons:

  • The Registered Nurse work force is aging out with average age 45
  • There is a prolonged nursing shortage and there are not enough nursing instructors
  • The baby boomers are all retiring and getting older and entering the hospital in more critical condition
  • OBAMACARE will add an additional 22 million newly insured people to an already overburdened healthcare system
  • If the debate over pathway to citizenship is successful, 11 million more undocumented workers will be adding to this burden on the fragile American healthcare system
Real killers like healthcare villain Kermit Gosnell MD, serial killer Charles Cullen RN, and more have thrived in the previous system. People like them and Dale, RNfrom the blockbuster novel taRNished will find it much easier to thrive in the coming years.

Willie L Stewart Sr. Biography

Willie L. Stewart is a critical care Registered Nurse, author, novelist, entrepreneur, member of the Tampa Writers Alliance, and the Florida Writers Association. His debut novel taRNished promises to entertain while shaking the very foundation of healthcare and the public’s confidence in that system in order to spur on debate for proper reforms. With over 13 years in various critical care settings he brings a level of expertise to the relevant topics in today’s media that are highlighted in the debut novel taRNished. With 2014 quickly heralding in the full implementation of the divisive OBAMACARE healthcare plan, Stewart notes that over ten million more people will be shoved into an already overburdened healthcare system. In addition Stewart notes that the pathway to citizenship initiatives will add millions more undocumented workers to this system and these increasing numbers along with other factors will allow pathological individuals to thrive in the environment created. Willie has taken a unique approach to marketing and promoting his debut novel. He has given his lead character, Dale RN a registered nurse serial killer, a significant online presence. A marketer/publicist has lauded Stewart for these efforts and says he is breaking ground. Dale RN has his own blog, is on facebooktwitterpinterest, linkedin, google plus, and more. Through Stewart’s herculean efforts Dale communicates and interacts with the public on a regular basis.

In addition to Willie Stewart’s efforts on his debut novel, Willie Stewart has published online articles, written various successful worldwide press releases, runs an independent record label (2MCH4YA) and publishing company and is a manager for indie recording artists. He has been an executive producer of an award winning online talk show that won the award against the likes of Oprah Winfrey, Steve Harvey, and Michael Baisden. The show was the only indie talk show in consideration against the heavyweights. Stewart has been the President/Production coordinator of a music foundation before stepping down. With all of his irons in the fire, Willie Stewart manages to find time to romance and fall in love all over again after 23 years of marriage to the lovely Shannon Stewart who is also a Registered Nurse of similar experience and an aspiring writer. With three healthy adult children and two grandchildren, Stewart only needs to look inward for motivation.

One day while I was plugged into the Twitterverse author Willie Stewart Sr. asked me if I wanted to see his book trailer. He said,"Do you want to see my trailer? It's the first RAP book trailer ever and there's nothing like it." I am SO easy... I couldn't say no to that... of course I wanted to see his trailer! He sent me the link and I watched the trailer and it was actually very good, hmmm - props to the creator.

The story of Dale Wilson is very good. The majority of the story takes place in Orlando Florida at the Orlando's Dyson Memorial Hospital. Dale Wilson, RN and his mom Isabel works there caring for patients and "releasing" patients as they please. Dale and mom are very good at what they do - so good that they get it all done during work hours. Then comes Stephanie - wait until you meet her! Whoa, enough said about her.

I liked the story but was freaked out by it a few times especially when I thought about all of the stories I heard about people who went into hospitals and didn't come out alive. The story world is believable, the characters are well developed and again believable. Mr. Stewart paced the story in a way that kept me interested. Although this is not my favorite genre I did enjoy reading about Dale, his crazy mom, and his girlfriend Stephanie. It's good, believable, and frightening -good job!

Buy it on amazon

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