
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Minnie Lahongrais

Divergent Lives by Minnie Lahongrais

Divergent Lives, by Minnie Lahongrais, is a 5 out of 5 Stars kind of read that may make us think about the people in our lives differently. Take a look at my review of this Thriller - I loved it!. I didn't find this story filled with typos, miss-placed words, or other editing issues either. I didn't need to read anything more than once to understand what the author was saying - awesome!. This book should be on your shelf.

I should let you know, however, that after reading this book I stopped giving everyone my blind trust, LOL! I look at everyone differently because I have a sociopath in my personal circle of friends - and things can get creepy and scary at times. Divergent Lives just reminds me of the reasons why I should always be on guard until I get to know more about my friends and acquaintances, then and only then I will be able to give them the keys to my house or a place to rest - I am such a sucker, haha. We may even think differently about other people in our lives like a co-worker who is a friend at work but may be doing really weird things after dark. Or that crazy co-worker who makes us feel a bit afraid every-time the two of us are alone may have a very good reason for us to feel that way but until we dig deeper into his or her life we may never know what it is. Social sites like Facebook, Myspace, Instagram, Twitter, and Reddit gives us a close and personal glimpse into the minds of our friends, family, and associates but we may still miss the very signs that are there to tell us to run away from a particular person before it's too late. Divergent Lives shows us, with a very good story, why we should never let our guards down.

The story world of Divergent Lives spans from New York to Pennsylvania then back to New York and the characters are average people. The characters could be anyone in our lives, an uncle, a co-worker, a cousin, neighbor, boss, friend, or even the pastor of our church. Everyone has a reason for doing the things that they do in life - even if they have the best intentions in mind - and sometimes it's just wrong!

Rhys John Preston (RJ) and Adina Rosario Cruz are brother and sister who grew up in different homes with different family values and ended up with very different lives and both are sociopaths. Tommy Ortiz is the perfect boyfriend. Tommy is hot, sexy, a good man, with a good job and is in love with Adina but Tommy is also accused of murdering the love of his life - Adina. Detective Mason Jones and his wife Claudia are Tommy's best friends and Claudia has Tommy's back. She gets angry if someone treats Tommy wrong, check-out the conversation where Claudia is discussing Adina and Tommy's relationship with her best friend Andrea. Little do they both know about sweet bitch Adina is that she is a Dominatrix and, BDSM: Things People Do For Pleasure, Adina loves the lifestyle. And sometimes Detective Mason Jones just can't disconnect from work at the end of the day so Claudia carries the extra weight of the family because she is a good wife. Mason is investigating the gruesome murder that kids stumbled upon while playing hide and seek, but sometimes he just can't turn off his brain at the end of the day and may have dreams every now and then.

When Minnie is not writing she is working a day job just like most of us. She is a very nice person and is passionate about giving us a good book to escape with. Read my interview with Minnie and check-out the spotlight showing her first book Sinner's Ride and Divergent Lives then read Divergent Lives, you will not be disappointed.

DIVERGENT LIVES is a fictional tale, yet it titillates the imagination far more than truth.

What a ride...

You have got to read this one!...

Many thrills and unanticipated twists...

Book Description

Psych Thriller Adds Deviant Twists to Sociopath Theme

RJ and Adina enter the world as fraternal twins, one raised by old-world, controlling immigrants in El Barrio, the other sold into a religious home filled with lies and scorn. Both are sociopaths.

Turns out, RJ’s got a secret that enrages him with the flip of a switch. Adina uses her sexual power to dominate every man in her life. They are on a mysterious trajectory to cross paths in New York City, where the end of their lives culminates in an apex of horror and carnage.

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About the author:

Native New Yorker, Minnie Lahongrais unwittingly kick-started her second career when she began writing an urban fantasy tale intended to help her cope with the death of her father. November of that year, she set that story aside to immerse herself in the annual madness of NaNoWriMo, meeting the challenge head on. Her first novel, “Sinner’s Ride” was published Spring of 2011. That summer, she found herself obsessed with the story idea for “Divergent Lives.”

Next on her agenda is the urban fantasy she began at the outset of her journey. She now plans to write that story as a trilogy.

Ms. Lahongrais currently lives in New York City. She finds time to write every day and spends her free time with her family.

Contact Minnie:




1 comment:

  1. What a great experience this has been, Cloey! Over the past year we have looked at just about every aspect of the psychology of these characters. It was wonderful to share all of that with you and your readers!!

    Thank you!!
