
Saturday, January 4, 2014

Happy 2014

Happy 2014!

Wishing you and yours a year filled with happiness, wellness, and prosperity.

I am so excited to share with you the things that are happening here at Cloey's for 2014! We have a new contributor. We also have a new Community meeting place. And last but certainly not least we have a book club. Cloey's is developing into a place where a person can visit and feel welcome to stay for a while. My goal is to make Cloey's a place where time stands still and all readers and authors feel comfortable and welcome.

A New Contributor!

I am happy to announce that we have a contributor! Cloey's Book Reviews and Other Stuff welcomes a new contributor name Shay Festa a.k.a The Bookie Monster. Shay reviews horror and paranormal books, with an emphasis (but not limited to) zombie fiction. She is currently working on her debut zombie fiction novel, Time of Death and can be found at her blog . Shay will be sharing her book reviews at Cloey's and Cloey will be sharing her reviews on Shay's blog. I like to keep things fresh and eclectic at Cloey's so you will never find a cookie cutter style here. Stop by and read Shay's reviews, for a different style, then checkout her site for more from her. Collaboration is the BEST! If you or someone you know are looking for a home for your book reviews let me know. I am looking for book reviewers, audio book reviewers, book trailers, and video reviews. I would love to do it all but I know that I can't without your help.

A New Community!

December 29, 2014 the Community page bringing writers and readers together went live. I am very excited about this addition to my blog. If you are a writer please feel free to share information about your books and events. If you are an editor share your contact information so that writers may use your services. If you are a reader please let us know what you are reading and your thoughts. Dear readers please checkout the author's posts for your next hot read. An finally if you are a book tour company or create trailers and cover art I have a spot for you too. Think of this like a "bulletin board" where you take something and leave something to enhance or better another person's life.

A New Book Club!

CW Book Club, 
a book club for grown folks, officially began on January 1st. I am very excited to read with everyone and to share all things bookish. Lurkers are not welcome here so the group will be small enough that no one gets lost and large enough that everyone has fun. It's for grown folks only and readers only - no book pitches, no lurkers - a comfortable place to meet and discuss books. Come by and join the club if you are looking for something different.

A Young Adult Blog!

Coming Soon... a blog for young adults and new adults including a Book Club and Community is set to go live in the summer or fall of 2014. This blog will be fun and exciting bringing the best of Cloey's along with book trailers, videos, and audio book reviews.

Thank you for making Cloey's a great place to come and browse posts for hot reads. I am looking forward to 2014 with the awesome additions to Cloey's.  And and looking forward to seeing you and making new friends while reading and discussing books together. Feel welcome and have fun. 

Remember stalking is always welcome at:

