
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Emma Kaye

Excerpt and Guest Post by Emma Kaye

Random Facts from Time for Love

Thanks for having me here today, Cloey.

Fun facts seem to be all over the place nowadays. I was recently asked to make a list of ten about myself (Yikes! I’m boring) and the question seems to keep popping up on Facebook the past few weeks. Since there’s no way I can find another ten things to say about myself, I thought I’d share my lists for Alexandra Turner and Nicholas Somerville—the heroine and hero from Time for Love. So here are five fun facts each about Alex and Nicholas.

Alexandra Turner
  1. Her favorite movie is Disney’s Tangled, but she’ll never admit it. 
  2. She curses the dresses she’s forced to wear when she’s back in time, but she secretly loves the way they make her feel. Once she stopped tripping on the hem, of course. 
  3. She named her cat Maximus after Russell Crowe in Gladiator.
  4. She loves playing card games, but hates to gamble. 
  5. She’s always wanted to learn how to play the piano.
Nicholas Somerville, Marquess of Oakleigh
  1. He recently read a new book called Frankenstein. He found it too fantastical for his tastes, but his crew enjoyed it tremendously. 
  2. He also loves the dresses Alex wears, but silently curses them. He prefers the tight fit of her breeches. 
  3. He received a large part of his education from a former tutor who served with him in the Royal Navy. He is unaware that his mother paid for the tutor’s services by selling off the precious collection of figurines given to her by her late husband. 
  4. He was a natural at chess as a child and frequently earned his father’s praise by beating his elder brother, Lucius. This was, perhaps, a contributing factor to their estrangement. 
  5. He has no desire to hear Alex sing ever again (her musical education was sadly deficient), but is eager for another demonstration of the dancing styles of the future. 
Any fun facts you’d like share? Feel free to comment and I hope you’re enjoying this beautiful holiday season

Her gaze drifted to his mouth as he spoke, fascinated by the way the scar pulled slightly at the corner. She felt a strong urge to kiss that corner, to run her tongue along the seam and dip between his lips, along his teeth.

He turned away, and she blinked herself back to reality. She couldn’t believe the thoughts that kept popping into her head when she looked at him.

And she was going to be stuck on a ship with him for almost a month.

Dressed like a boy.


He set off, and she rushed after him, thankful he couldn’t see the blush heating her cheeks. It was going to be a long month.

She caught up, practically jogging to keep pace with his long strides.

He looked her briefly up and down in an assessing manner that strained Alex’s nerves. “You don’t look like much of a sailor, and you’re too young to have any skill as a carpenter.”

She was surprised he hadn’t already uncovered her disguise. Her instincts warned her he wouldn’t be easy to fool, and she would be smart to keep her distance, even if distance was the last thing she wanted right now. Of course, it wouldn’t be a problem if he decided she wasn’t qualified to work on his ship.

“You’re wondering what possessed him to hire me. Perhaps he took pity on me, or maybe I’m better qualified than I look,” she replied haughtily, and immediately wished she could take the last part back. Now he might think she had some sailing skill.

He snorted, and she got the feeling amusement had replaced his annoyance, though his expression hadn’t changed.

“My guess would be pity. He sometimes has more heart than sense.” He sighed. “Despite some of his more—emotional—decisions, he’s a good first mate and has served me well. We’ll have to see how you fare.” He gave her a slightly puzzled look. “There’s something about you though. I can’t quite put my finger on it.”

Alex breathed a sigh of relief when they arrived at the tavern where she’d met the Adonis the night before. This time of the morning everything was quiet, and they had to wait a few moments before anyone came to see what they wanted.

A sour-faced woman entered the room, muttering about the hour and cursing under her breath. But after a quick glance at Nicholas’s face, she quieted and listened to his request. She told them which room the first mate was in then quickly disappeared through the door by which she had entered.

“Follow me.” Nicholas climbed the stairs and knocked loudly on the appropriate door. He didn’t wait for an answer before pushing it open.

The Adonis slept soundly in the middle of the large bed that dominated the room. A blanket draped around his hips didn’t disguise the fact he was naked.

Alex had a difficult time deciding where to look. On his left, the pretty waitress from the night before was hastily pulling the covers up to her chin, while another woman on his right merely reached over to try to waken her bed partner, as though the appearance of two people at the door was hardly cause to cover up.

“I can see why he didn’t show,” Alex muttered under her breath. She hadn’t meant to be heard, but apparently Nicholas had good hearing and laughed.

“Quite understandable,” he said, still chuckling.

Meanwhile, the first mate opened his eyes and looked up at the captain. “Bloody hell. Am I late?”

Time for Love
Emma Kaye

Genre: Time travel romance

Publisher:The Wild Rose Press
Date of Publication: December 2013

ISBN 978-1-62830-072-7
ISBN 978-1-62830-073-4

Cover Artist: Debbie Taylor

Amazon Wild Rose Publishing

Book Description:

Alexandra Turner will do anything to save her twin sister. Even when she’s transported back in time to Regency England. Rescuing her sister and finding her way back to her own time will take all her concentration. Falling in love is not an option.

With the death of his brother, Nicholas Somerville became the ninth Marquess of Oakleigh and must return to England to take his place in society. Part of his responsibility will be to find a wife. It never occurs to him he might actually discover a woman he could love--until he meets Alex on his voyage home.

Can Alex and Nicholas find a way to bridge the gap of time and circumstance? Can they overcome their fears to realize that true love transcends time? Or will a dark secret from Alex's past rear up to separate them forever?

About the Author:

Emma Kaye is married to her high school sweetheart and has two beautiful kids that she spends an insane amount of time driving around central New Jersey. Before ballet classes and soccer entered her life, she decided to try writing one of those romances she loved to read and discovered a new passion. She has been writing ever since. Add in a playful puppy and an extremely patient cat and she's living her own happily ever after while making her characters work hard to reach theirs





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