
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Catherine Hemmerling

Guest Post and excerpt by Catherine Hemmerling

One of the questions I am asked often, is who would I be and what would I do if I had been alive in the Regency period. As a woman, my options would be fairly limited, but I expect I would have been a bit of an oddball, just like my characters. I write in the period because I love it, so you KNOW I have pictured myself there. I'm tall (because even I cannot dream my 5'11 height away), blond, and very fair. My blue eyes sparkle with excitement and I am watching all the beautiful people dance in a grand ballroom. In my mind, I am thinking of just the right phrases I will use to describe this night in my journal later. I'm not much of a mixer and I like to think I would be observing the crowd with my friends Sarah and Emily. Knowing my parents, I suspect my mother would be lining up men for me to talk to (like Hannah's meddling mom) and my father would be vetting their heritage. I will not so much find the love of my life, as have the best "match" thrust upon me. I can only hope he will be taller than me.

Ah, yes...” Simon said haltingly, unable to believe that Lady Lancaster had suggested he dance with Rose. Usually when he poured on his charm, the older ladies did everything in their power to keep the young impressionable girls away from him. Of course, he was engaged to Rose, so perhaps that accounted for the woman’s unusual decision.

Turning to Rose, Simon saw that she too was surprised by the dowager’s recommendation. She also appeared displeased by it. Most young ladies fawned over him and when he asked one to dance, they would practically swoon with delight. But Rose seemed almost disgusted by the idea.

Pride pricked, Simon came to a decision. This dance would be the best Rose had ever experienced—one she would never forget.

Pulling himself up straight and tall, Simon adopted the most sincere mien he could and asked, “Rose, may I have this dance?”

Rose nodded and accepted Simon’s arm and together they walked to the dance floor.

Soon they were moving gracefully around the ballroom complete silence. Rose was gazing absently over Simon’s shoulder and Simon was trying in vain to come up with something witty and interesting to say.

While deciding to impress Rose enough for her to never again regret having to dance with him, Simon took a moment to get a better look at his betrothed. Something was different about her tonight, but he just couldn’t put his finger on what. 

Romancing His English Rose
Lady Lancaster Garden Society
Book Two

Catherine Hemmerling

Genre: Historical Romance

Publisher: Entangled Publishing.
Date of Publication: 9-9-13


Book Description:

Rose Warren and Simon Trumbull may have been betrothed since birth, but that doesn't mean they have to like each other. Rose is sure the notorious playboy Simon will never willingly settle down, and Simon, well... he agrees. Never one to be forced into anything, he'd rather drink and gamble with his mates than spend time with the bookish, bespectacled Rose.

When the two are thrown together to investigate a potential poisoning mystery, neither expects the sparks that fly. Simon discovers that Rose is, in face, a brilliant sleuth and - even better - hides a delectable body beneath her flowing skirts. Suddenly, falling into bed may be the best idea either has heard, but can Simon convince Rose his romancing is forever?

About the Author:

Catherine Hemmerling has been a technical writer in the software industry for nearly twenty years and has published many user manuals and technical documentation in that time. She has always had a love of writing fiction but has never pursued publication in that genre until now.

Hopefully it is the beginning of a long new journey with Lady Lancaster and the Garden Society girls. Certainly historical romance (especially the scandalous kind) is more fun than writing technical documents!

This author happily resides in Tehachapi, California (near Bakersfield - home of her Alma-mater!) with her family.

Catherine writes for Entangled Publishing's Scandalous historical line and is thrilled to be part of their family of writers!

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