
Thursday, January 17, 2013

Jade Hart

An Interview with Jade Hart and review of Ocean Kills

Come join me in welcoming Jade Hart to Cloey's Book Reviews and Other Stuff. I am so happy to share her book Ocean Kills with you and am very happy to have Ms hart here to share her writing process with us today.

Cloey: When did you become interested in writing? 

Jade: I was homeschooled in Hong Kong and part of my lessons were daily creative writing lessons. They were my favourite part. Plus, I was a terrible book-worm. I was grounded many times for reading at the table. It was a no brainer that I’d end up writing for my career.

Cloey: What inspired you to write Ocean Kills?

Jade: I’ve always liked darker books. And wanted to create a character who was heavily flawed, and survived a past that might have broken so others. Ocean and her vigilante ways are slightly different to normal heroines, and Callan – the love interest – really grew on me until he became just as important as Ocean.

Cloey: Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?

Jade: Not sure about a message, Just good versa evil and lots of areas of gray. For instance, Ocean kills a man involved in a sex ring in South Africa. He’s a bad man and ruined many girls lives, but killing is wrong too. When does it become okay for one bad act to be acceptable? 

Cloey: Who was your favorite character and who was your least favorite character to develop and why? 

Jade: My favorite character was Ocean, but Callan is a very very close second. Love those two. I also adore Maurice, Ocean’s adoptive father. He is a very dear man. The least favourite character was Atsu Bazeer – the sex trafficking overlord. Writing him wasn’t fun.

Cloey: What did you enjoy most about writing Ocean Kills?

Jade: I loved getting into different headspaces. Ocean Kills is told in alternate POV’s and it was refreshing writing from Callan’s mind after being in Ocean’s seeing as she deals with a lot of issues.

Cloey: What were the challenges (research, literary, psychological, and logistical) in bringing the story to life?

Jade: The main challenge was researching the sex industry. Finding out what happened to women captured and making sure my facts were correct. It was hard to read about the truth of what happens to innocent girls and women.

Cloey: What are you working on now?

Jade: I’m currently working on Ocean Slays (book two of Ocean Breeze) and Coffee and Cockpits. A NA Contemp Romance about a flight attendant who likes the copilot and the engineer and can’t decide who to have, and ends up having both. It’s fun and quirky. (Can be found on Goodreads).

Cloey: What do you like to read in your free time?

Jade: I read a lot of self-published work and love how many awesome titles are coming from people who did it all themselves. I also like to read series. I’ve just finished reading the Faefever seires by Karen Marie Moning.

Cloey: Share with us something about yourself that we wouldn't see in your bio or on any other blogs (this can be anything from the type of music you like, your favorite color, or even your favorite meal - share whatever you want your fans to know about you).

Jade: Umm, something no one else knows… that’s hard! Oh I know, a lot of my work is based on facts from my own life. For example, a lot of the hotels, restaurants, locations in Ocean Kills are based on real life places. The sushi restaurant at the beginning is mirror image to the one I ate at in Kings Cross. And Callan’s apartment in Bondi Beach is my old apartment when I lived there. I find it adds authenticity if I’ve been, seen, heard and smelt.

Thanks so much for having me.

A Sexy New Adult Urban Fantasy that takes place in exotic locations, follows a kick-ass heroine, and a swoon-worthy hero. Warning - contains sex

Excerpt: Thanks so much

Chapter One:

My name is Ocean Breeze. Yep. Ocean freakin' Breeze. It was my mom's attempt at some posh-sounding name. She was inspired by—get this—a bottle of toilet air-freshener. My heart squeezed at the thought of the cookie-scented woman with hugs as warm as sunshine.
The sound of my Nikes pummeling the pavement chased away my thoughts, and the slapping of rubber against asphalt was similar to the slap the last prostitute-abusing john gave me. Stinking bastard. No one raises a hand to Ocean Breeze without losing an appendage. Or more, as the case may be.
I swiped my hands on my red vinyl miniskirt. It wasn't exactly an attractive outfit—Nikes with a miniskirt? But I'd learned the hard way. Running in heels never worked. Ever. The sleazy men who paid for sex didn't care what was on my feet, only what was between them.
I jumped and jived through the crowd. It was two in the morning, and the streets of Kings Cross, Sydney, were a hive of activity. Drunken students hauled themselves from karaoke clubs. Rich business men back-slapped each other for the lap dance from the uni-student, who pocketed their tips to pay for her law degree. This place was full of clichés and smut.
And I loved it.
I could disappear here. I was a nobody. Even boasting a pair of ruby lips and a figure that could've graced the center fold of Playboy, I didn’t stand out. Beauty was coveted in the Cross, and plastic surgery was the salvation if nature didn’t do the work.
So why was I running?
I just killed a guy. That's why.
I bolted past the three-story-sized Coca-Cola advertisement, blazing red and white, and disappeared into an alley full of meth-heads and crack whores. I leaped over comatose figures, sprinting toward the city center. Keep running. Get far away.
The night was heavy with muggy heat, unusual for this time of year, and sweat made my miniskirt slide against my thighs.
Kings Cross embraced sin and naughtiness—the suburb encouraged unleashed pleasure and endless partying. It also encouraged rapists and murderers who lurked in the shadows. . . waiting.
A flash of blue and red lights.
Fuck! I pirouetted and charged down another alley, passing a gay club blasting Kylie Minogue. Ugh.
You! Stop!”
Yeah, no chance of that, fat douche. I flipped him the bird and kept running. He jumped back in his cruiser and gave chase. Lazy bastard. Too many kebabs and doughnuts for that slob. He wouldn't catch me. No one ever caught me.
My ruby lips curved. I loved the chase. I loved the kill. Well, that wasn’t entirely true. I didn’t enjoy murdering someone, but I did enjoy the knowledge that he’d never hurt another. My cut throat actions saved other would-be victims. Plus, that john deserved it.
Memories overtook my vision. Heavy breath on my cheek, rancid smell as he slobbered on my neck. Then warm, oozing blood as my weapon of convenience—a long skinny oyster knife—buried deep in the man's groin. Ridding him of a vital piece of his anatomy and draining his body of crimson. One moment alive, the next—not. Then rushed practicality: Dispose of my surgical gloves. Wipe the corpse with antiseptic wipes. Remove the man's DNA, fingerprints, and blood from my body.
Adrenaline spiked, dousing my already overloaded system. My heart thudded as fast as the bass at a techno club. The pavement flickered and I stumbled.
No, not now! My vision danced like a mirage. I no longer had control of my body.
Sirens were closer, screeching in my ears. Keep moving, Ocean! For freakin' sake, move!
No amount of yelling could stop the migraine from consuming me. I screamed and clutched my temples, slamming to the concrete. The sidewalk danced under my phantasm goggles, no longer acting like rock and tar, but candy floss and gossamer. I'm going. I'm going. . .
Cold claws grasped my bare shoulders. “You're coming with us.”

Ocean Kills 
Ocean Breeze Series Book One
Jade Hart

Genre: new adult sexy urban fantasy

Number of pages: 344
Word Count: 97,000


Book Description:

Around the world, murderers and rapists pick off the innocent. Killing loved ones, separating families, and ruining lives.

As an eight-year-old girl, Ocean witnessed her family’s massacre and something altered inside her. Twisting her genetic code… unlocking an ability to teleport.

Ocean Breeze was never destined to be normal, especially being named after air-freshener. She’s a shadow, a ghost—a dark savior of the innocent. Armed with a switchblade in her bra, and a box-cutter in her pocket, she hunts the filth of the world.

Callan Bliss is a Sydney Police Officer whose skill set is far above a normal cop. All his fellow officers see is a hard-worker who loves to catch perpetrators and surf, but that’s because they don’t know his past. When Callan arrests a suspicious looking prostitute, coming face to face with a self-confessed vigilante, his secrets aren’t that easy to keep silent anymore.

Ocean hates the police with a passion, and has no intention of being held captive by a cop, even if he is sexy as hell. Teleporting from under his nose, Ocean hunts her next target—a man responsible for the largest sex ring in South Africa—and he’s about to die. But she doesn’t count on Callan giving chase, nor the body-quaking lust which consumes them. However, Ocean's dark hobbies take precedence over what her heart wants—her thirst for murdering is killing her too, and not even Callan can save her.

Author Bio:

Jade Hart is a self-confessed book worm who is happiest glued to a lap-top with an eternal battery life, and typing up stories running rampant in her head.

Her three favorite things are:

1. Unlimited books on an Ebook Reader
2. Cracking the sugar on a creme brulee
3. Travelling

She writes New Adult 'smexy' fiction.

Twitter: @jadehart8



Ocean Breeze and Callen Bliss are two of a kind. Both like fighting the bad guys, don't have a problem if the criminal dies, and never follow procedures. When they met they had an instant attraction but because of the circumstances of their introductions it was too weird for Ocean to pursue any type of relationship with Callen so the chase begins.

The thing that kept me turning the pages was my desire to see how they were going to get together. It is a romance novel so I already knew they were going to get together but both of them were very powerful in their particular skill sets. They would make an awesome partnership but as a couple well, I needed to see how the story was going to end. Ms. Hart kept the story interesting and created two badass characters that kept the story going and the ending was excellent. I would recommend adding this book to your library for a quick and entertaining read.

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