
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Jeffe Kennedy

Interview with Jeffe Kennedy

Hunting the Siren
Book Two in the Blood Currency Series

By Jeffe Kennedy

A vampire queen grown powerful with age, Imogen has protected her band of nightriders through the centuries. When refugee vampires from earthquake-shattered Europe seek shelter and sustenance, she’s honor-bound to feed them, by any means necessary. When her lieutenants dump the vengeful human man Kasar at her feet, Imogen succumbs to his masculine vitality and her overwhelming hunger for his blood—and his body.

Kasar has survived the breaking of the world, only to discover the vampire queen has slaughtered his sister and her unborn child. With the last of his bloodline dead, only his desire for vengeance keeps Kasar alive. He imagines he can pretend to succumb to Imogen’s seduction—not that he has much of a choice, chained as he is to the foot of her bed—and bide his time until he has an opportunity to kill her. The passion he finds in her arms is unexpected, and impossible to resist. But this haven of desire and satiation could easily destroy them both.

Feeding the Vampire
Book One in the Blood Currency Series
By Jeffe Kennedy

Publisher: Ellora's Cave

Through good luck and healthy cowardice, Misty has survived the earthquakes that have torn the world apart, but has no skills to speak of. Or so she thinks. She does have blood, and someone must feed the vampire who has offered his protection and strength in exchange for sustenance.

Feeding Ivan is a priority, and Misty finally serves a purpose. But when she awakens tied to his bed, an unwilling gift to Ivan from the townspeople, she discovers he has hungers other than blood.

Hungers he expects her to satisfy in the most carnal manner. Under his seductive persuasion Misty discovers she has the power to sustain Ivan in all ways, while experiencing unspeakable pleasure herself.

Barnes and Noble, Amazon, Ellora’s Cave, ARe

Rogue’s Pawn 

Covenant of Thorns Series
by Jeffe Kennedy

Carina Press

July 16, 2012

This is no fairy tale…

Haunted by nightmares of a black dog, sick to death of my mind-numbing career and heart-numbing fiancĂ©, I impulsively walked out of my life—and fell into Faerie. Terrified, fascinated, I discover I possess a power I can’t control: my wishes come true. After an all-too-real attack by the animal from my dreams, I wake to find myself the captive of the seductive and ruthless fae lord Rogue. In return for my rescue, he demands an extravagant price—my firstborn child, which he intends to sire himself…

With no hope of escaping this world, I must learn to harness my magic and build a new life despite the perils—including my own inexplicable and debilitating desire for Rogue. I swear I will never submit to his demands, no matter what erotic torment he subjects me to…

Amazon, Barnes and Noble

About the Author:

Jeffe Kennedy took the crooked road to writing, stopping off at neurobiology, religious studies and environmental consulting before her creative writing began appearing in places like Redbook, Puerto del Sol, Wyoming Wildlife, Under the Sun and Aeon. An erotic novella, Petals and Thorns, came out under her pen name of Jennifer Paris in 2010, heralding yet another branch of her path, into erotica and romantic fantasy fiction. Since then, an erotic short, Feeding the Vampire, and another erotic novella, Sapphire, have hit the shelves.

Jeffe lives in Santa Fe, with two Maine coon cats, a border collie, plentiful free-range lizards and frequently serves as a guinea pig for an acupuncturist-in-training. Find her on Facebook and Twitter (@jeffekennedy) or visit her at her website

Cloey: When did you become interested in writing?

Jeffe: I was a pretty typical kid and teen in that I wrote sentimental stories and really bad poetry. I recall one poem had an opening line that went “the silken dew-drop child…” But I never took a serious interest in writing because I believed that science was more important, more valid. I was partway through getting my PhD in neurophysiology when I realized that I didn’t want to have the life of a research scientist. When I examined my heart to discover what kind of life I *did* want to have, I was surprised to discover that “writer” was the answer.

Cloey: What inspired you to write Rogue’s Pawn?

Jeffe: I woke up one rainy weekend morning from a dream about my heroine. I sat down in my robe and wrote about her for four hours straight.

Cloey: Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?

Jeffe: I’m not much for messages, because I think an agenda will derail a good story faster than anything else. If I had to pick something? “Be careful what you wish for.” ;-)

Cloey: Who was your favorite character and who was your least favorite character to develop and why?

Jeffe: Rogue is likely my favorite character, just because he’s always so interesting to me. I don’t think I have any least favorite characters. If they’re not interesting to me, I give them the boot.

Cloey: What did you enjoy most about writing Rogue’s Pawn?

Jeffe: Finding out what happens next! :-D

Cloey: What were the challenges (research, literary, psychological, and logistical) in bringing the story to life?

Jeffe: Well, I had to learn how to write a novel. Up until that book, I’d always written short – essays, short stories, that kind of thing – and I usually wrote them in one sitting, from beginning to end. With a novel, that’s simply not feasible. So, I learned how to hold a longer story in my head and work on it incrementally – it was like developing a whole new set of muscles. Then I had to do several major revisions.

Cloey: What are you working on now?

Jeffe: I’m very excited about this new project I’m just digging into. I’m working with Kensington Books to develop an e-serial. The story will be a sexy updating of Phantom of the Opera, told in six installments.

Cloey: What do you like to read in your free time?

Jeffe: I read pretty much everything except mystery/thriller. Right now I’m reading A Galactic Holiday, an anthology of sci-fi romances and Graham Joyce’s Some Kind of Fairy Tale.

Cloey: Share with us something about yourself that we wouldn't see in your bio or on any other blogs (this can be anything from the type of music you like, your favorite color, or even your favorite meal - share whatever you want your fans to know about you)

Jeffe: Last night my hubs took me out to dinner to celebrate a new book deal and I had this amazing seafood cannelloni baked with a pink sauce and cheese. It was out-of-this-world delicious. I want to eat it for every meal now.

Want more of Jeffe Kennedy?

December 23 Promo

December 30 Interview and review (Rogue’s Pawn)
Happy Tails and Tales

January 5 Promo (Blood Currency)
Happy Tails and Tales

January 7 Promo
Book Lovin' Mamas –

January 10 Guest blog

January 11 Interview

January 15 Guest Post
Guest Post - humorous, unique maybe some of her characters arguing about their new years resolutions.

Fangs, Wands & Fairydust

January 22 Guest blog
Tynga's Reviews

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