
Monday, November 26, 2012

Out of Nowhere

Out of Nowhere by Patrick LeClerc

Entertaining you really should read this one...

Sean Danet is happy working as a paramedic and he is good at it. He loves his coworkers and life is perfect for him. But he has a secret he don't want anyone to know about and that makes it difficult to get close to him. Life is good until he helps a guy with a broken ankle then very bad people with the ability to transport into thin air is after him to kill him. This story is very cool.

So here's what I liked, it is one of those stories where the characters act the way I would expect in the real world and that for me is refreshing. Sean is not rich but he has a stash of cash at the ready just in case he needs to disappear. He has military experience which makes him a badass when it is necessary. And I liked the interactions between Sean and his EMS partners. Their banter was realistic and very funny in a North Eastern US sort of way. I laughed out loud many times.

I would like to share with you the gist of a funny conversation between Sean and Pete about Katie another EMS worker who flirts and sleeps with men in uniform. Pete wants to know if she has piercings below her neck so he wants to bring refrigerator magnates to the bar they will be hanging out at and throw them at her to see where they stick! Really dude? I laughed out loud at that one.

The story is a page turner too. The book has was just enough romance to keep my interest. There wasn't an overkill of graphic violence either and there was enough history to keep me reading. I recommend reading this one and I am looking forward to a sequel if Mr. LeClerc writes one.

The overview...

An urban fantasy, pacy, funny and compelling to the last page…

Healer Sean Danet is immortal—a fact he has cloaked for centuries, behind army lines and now a paramedic’s uniform. Having forgotten most of his distant past, he has finally found peace—and love.

But there are some things you cannot escape, however much distance you put behind you.

When Sean heals the wrong man, he uncovers a lethal enemy who holds all the cards. And this time he can’t run. It’s time to stand and fight, for himself, for his friends, for the woman he loves. It’s time, finally, for Sean to face his past—and choose a future.

A story of love, of battle—and of facing your true self when there’s nowhere left to hide.

Buy it at amazon

Product Details

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