
Monday, November 12, 2012

Broken Aro

Broken Aro (The Broken Ones) by Jen Wylie

This story had me on the edge of my seat!

The book teeters on the edge of being a dark fantasy. Just when I thought it was slipping into the dark side Ms. Wylie lightened it up. She is a very talented writer and knows how to deliver emotions. I smiled and sniffled all throughout this book.

I was on the edge of my seat waiting for what happens next. Imagine being taken away from everyone and everything you love and dumped into a life of hell. Now add some pain, suffering, and being hungry all the time while struggling to stay alive - yes it was like that and more. This is the story of how a girl named Aro lost everything and gained a new family of lovable guys. They pretty much adopt each other as family and help one another to stay alive. And this is a Young Adult Fantasy, I know...sick right? It is an awesome book! One that you will want to tell your friends about. Go ahead, buy them a copy, or tell them to buy their own, they will not be disappointed, I promise.

One thing I didn't like though was the sudden ending. It was a bit abrupt - not even a cliff hanger it was just...weird. There are also editing errors. Be warned. You will find a few missing words and some awkward sentences but the story is so good you will want to over-look them. Hey, at this price you can't go wrong, right? Check it out anyway and be ready for a very good story then go tell your friends about it because it is that good!


Open your eyes to darkness. What do you see? Does the darkness frighten you? Now imagine the darkness being the cargo hold of a slave ship. Your city has fallen. Your family is most likely dead. You don't know anyone around you, and some of them aren't even human. Giving up would be so easy to do, but not for Arowyn Mason. Not after being raised in a military family with seven brothers. Every great story should begin with a plan. Aro's was to escape and to survive.

Escape comes, but at a price. As they reach the shore, Aro and the other survivors learn that freedom doesn't mean safety. The slavers want their property back and will do anything to get it. The party uses every ounce of their brute strength, a hearty helping of cunning, and even ancient magics to keep themselves alive. Sickness, danger, and even love surprise them at every turn. Dealing with danger becomes their way of life, but none of them ever considered that nothing can be quite as dangerous as a prophecy. Running turns into another race altogether as her world falls to pieces again and again.

Watch for book two, Broken Prince, coming in the spring of 2013!

Buy it now at amazon

Product Details

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