
Friday, August 3, 2012

Pack of Lies

Pack of Lies by Laura Anne Gilman

This is a very good read...

Pack of Lies, Paranormal Scene Investigators Series book #2, is much better than Hard Magic which is book #1 - good job Laura Anne Gilman I knew you could do it!

This story takes place 8 months after the PUPI team was created and they had some actual job experience up to this point. There is a violent crime committed and the investigators are called in before the cops has a chance to stomp all over the scene. The Fatae and Talent communities along with the Nulls (regular humans) are involved in this roller coaster of an investigation. This one is the big case that will place PUPI on the map so everyone has to do their best.

I loved the story and Bonita Torres makes this series fun to read. We learn more about the "Big Dogs" who started the team and see team building in action. Gilman did a good job with this one when compared to the first book of the series. I think my problem is Gilman's writing style because there were a few places where I still felt it could have flowed easier. With that said I still liked it and may read the next book in the series. This book is a good read that is definitely worth a mention.


My name is Bonita Torres, and eight months ago I was an unemployed college graduate without a plan. Now I'm an investigator with the Private Unaffiliated Paranormal Investigations team of New York. Pretty awesome, right?

The Cosa Nostradamus, the magical community, isn't quick to give up its secrets, though. Not even to fellow members. Not even when it's in their best interests. So we've been busting our tails, perfecting our forensic skills, working to gain acceptance. The team's tight… but we have our quirks, too. And our Big Dog, Benjamin Venec …well, he's a special case, all right.

But we can't give up. We're needed, especially when a case comes along that threatens to pit human against fatae. But one wrong move could cost us everything we've worked for….

Pack of Lies (Paranormal Scene Investigations Series #2)

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